There are a tons of health myths out there.
It’s almost impossible to tell which are true, and which are false.
But here are a couple that you can be sure are false, so that you can tell what’s fact.
And what’s a myth.
- Myth: The More You Exercise, The More You’ll Lose
Fact: Exercise is crucial to sustained weight-loss. It can burn calories and, even more important, build muscle, that can raise your metabolism
Moderate to high intensity exercise can allow you to lose up to 2 lbs. a week – when done correctly.
But you can’t run away from your diet. Unless you are 22 and a marathon runner, you’ll soon see diminishing returns to working out more.
To lose the weight, and to keep the pounds off, you need to make smarter choices in what you eat as well.
- Myth: Eating Fat Makes You Fat.
Fact: Not all fat is created equal. A diet high in healthy fats can help you live longer, fight off obesity and lower your chance for developing heart disease.
Some foods contain healthy fats, like coconut oil, olive oil and avocados.
Women should eat 20 grams of saturated fat per day; men, 30 grams.
It is a fact that too much saturated fat can increase cholesterol
But too little can also increase obesity.
- Myth: Cane Sugar Isn’t as Bad as High Fructose Corn Syrup
Fact: Sugar is the secret killer. The added sugar in our foods that we don’t even notice, in prepared foods, sauces, and especially sugary sodas, can really add up.
Not only in our waistline.
But also, raising our blood sugar
Over time, sugar contributes to obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Most important, SUGAR IS SUGAR.
There is not “better” or “worse” sugar.
Based on calorie content and their effect on our blood sugar, high fructose corn syrup and cane sugar are EXACTLY the same.
They have the same effect on our blood sugar and insulin response.
And too much of either will make us fat, and make us sick.
Cut back on the sugar, from any source, for healthier living.
- Myth: You Crave Certain Foods Because You Lack Nutrients
Fact: If you find yourself REALLY wanting something, like a candy bar, popcorn or soda, it’s most likely because you have restricted yourself from having it.
Cravings are almost always an emotional need you want to fulfill, not a physical, biological one.
Keep that in mind the next time you have a hankering for a cheesy fries!!
- Myth: Eating More, Small Meals Burns Calories
Fact: There’s no need to constantly “graze.” We can go hours without eating, with no negative effects on our metabolism.
In fact, intermittent fasting has been so to be highly effective in losing weight and building muscle.
The more meals you eat, the more temptation to overeat.
The best advice: Eat only when you are hungry, and not because you “feel” like you have to
Thank you again!
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– Life Miracle